I am able to start process sentinel successfully but I am getting following error when I issue the command “swstart”
“Couldn’t display the status of the SWIPE processes. The System could not be started as the process sentinels are not ready”
The “swstart -p” was already successful with the message
The Staffware swnod Process Sentinels service is starting. The Staffware swnod Process Sentinels service was started successfully.
I was working in iprocess for 1 month and last week i changed my system password.
Todat i restarted my system and unable to start iprocess engine.
Solution :
Most likely reason for the “Couldn’t display the status of the SWIPE processes.” message that you got from swsvrmgr status is that there is a problem with the events on your system.
As passwords have changed you probably need to change the password configured in the events system.
Please reset the password in ControlPanel-> AdministrativeTools -> Component Services, then navigate to: “ComponentServices”, “Computers”, “My Computer”, “COM+ Applications”, then Right-Click “Staffware Events”, “Properties” then go to the “Identity” tab and enter the new password here & restart the event using the Shutdown and Start options in the Right-Click menu on “StaffwareEvents”.
Then restart the iPE (swtop -p & swstart -p) and that should hopefully solve your problem. If not then I think you will need to send some debug logs to TIBCO support to help diagnose the problem.
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