1) Define your input, output and fault output in an xsd schema.
2) Create a subprocess which contains either the input and output as the start and end respectively orinput and output/fault in your start and end of your subprocess.
3) right click over your subprocess or if you have multiple subprocesses you want to turn into SOAPservices place them all into a folder and right click over the folder and there should be an option at thebottom that says “Tools or Multi-User” > “Generate Webservice” .
Once you create this service you should look into using an “http receiver” and “http response” activitywith the “SOAP retrieve resource” activity to allow people to get your wsdl from your service.
Once you do that you can use Axis or a Tibco BW Webservice client using the “SOAP Request Reply”activity to draw your wsdl automatically from your soap service.
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