1) How to change the default table size in staffware database
Problem Description: To increase the table size to large (total space of 65GB)
Issue Resolution:
There are three tablesize files provided by the installer: tablesizes, tablesizes.large, tablesizes.med
During installation, the default table sizes are taken from ?tablesizes? file. To increase the table size to large (total tablespace of 65GB), run the below command from your installation directory before running ?swinstall?. ?cp tablesizes.large tablesizes?
2) Problem while starting and stopping iProcess Engine
Problem Description:Timed out for response for stopping the server.? used to occur when stopping the server using ?swpro? user
Issue Resolution: Start and stop the server in the following sequence only:
swstart -p
swstop -p
This may happen when one of the iProcess clients is opened. To forcibly stop the server use the following commands
swstop -f
If the problem still persists, kill the processes started by ?swpro? user (ps -ef|grep $SWDIR)
3)Problem with User Validation in iProcess Client by enabling O/S User Validation
Problem Description: When user validation was enabled with O/S User Validation in staffpms file, the user was not allowed in even with correct ?swadmin? user name and password.
Issue Resolution: Temporary Fix: Removed the user validation flag in the configuration file on the server
Related Documentation: ? Section ?Specifying if Client Passwords are Required on Login? of TIBCO iProcess Engine Administrator?s Guide
4) Path to the jre file ?libjvm.so? while installing EAI Java Server Plug-in)
Problem Description:Installation of EAI Java Server Plug-in was successful, but got many errors like jre classpath not correct, etc during execution.
Issue Resolution: The path of ?jre? is to be specified as below during the installation of BW Connector on UNIX environment.
Path: $JRE/lib/sparc/server
5)Unable to initialise EAI Java Client plug-in in the iProcess Client
Problem Description: The EAI Java Plug-in is loaded but failed to initialize ? error message is displayed when using the EAI Java step in the iProcess Modeller.
Issue Resolution:
1)Set the SW_CLIENTCLASSPATH to $CLIENT\ eaijava\libs\bootstrap\bootstrap.jar and $CLIENT\java_common\libs\log4j-1.2.8.jar (where $CLIENT is set to the iProcess Client Directory)
6) Unable to load/initialize the EAI JAVA Server Plug-in
Problem Description: The EAI JAVA Server Plug-in is installed and registered but failed to load and the Login Daemon was suspended?
Error: ?The EAI Java Runtime Plug-in is not registered on all the servers ? The Login Daemon is not started
Issue Resolution:
1) Add the following in your .profile . The JAVA_HOME should be defined and exported before declaring the following.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib/sparc/native_threads:$JAVA_HOME/lib/sparc/server:$JAVA_HOME/lib/sparcexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH SW_SYSCLASSPATH=$SWDIR/eaijava/libs/bootstrap/log4j-1.2.8.jar:$SWDIR/eaijava/libs/bootstrap/bootstrap.jar export SW_SYSCLASSPATH SWJVM_OPTIONS=?-Xrs? export SWJVM_OPTIONS
7) Runtime Plugin error when using the EAI Java Step
Problem Description: When using a EAI Java step the following was the error encountered.
Error: ?The EAI Java Runtime Plug-in is not registered on all the servers?
Issue Resolution:
1) Check whether the EAI Java plugin is registered on the iProcess Engine using the below command $SWDIR/util/sweaireg LIST [eai_type_name] [-m machine name] [-x]
2)Check for the s-bit permission for the following files (for unix operating systems)
If enabled remove the s-bit on these files. (After running the fixperms file all the above listed files will again have s-bit permission. So the s-bit permissions should be removed each time fixperms is executed)
Related Documentation:
?Installing the TIBCO Staffware EAI Java Plug-in?
8) The java class not found in EAI Java Plug-in
Problem Description: ?Error inside execute method of Java object-com.staffware.eaijava.FatalPluginException: Could not instantiate <> at com.staffware.eaijava.impl. SWGeneric Plugin.execute (SWGenericPlugin.java:240)?
Issue Resolution: Place the java class file in a jar file in the directory SWDIR/eaijava/libs/repository/user
Related Documentation: Post-installation Tasks and Manual installations in the ?Installing the TIBCO Staffware EAI Java Plug-in? Guide?
9) Unable to get the audit trail
Problem Description: Even if a case is started from Business Works and a case number is returned by it, the audit trail is not updated and no case exists with that case number?
Issue Resolution:
1) Check in the AUDIT_TRAIL table with the new case number.
2) If it still doesn?t exists, check whether an EAI step is used as the first step
3) If EAI step is the first step, Use a Transaction Control Step as commit point since the transaction is rolled back to the starting point when the EAI step (which is the first step) fails and no audit trail is recorded.
10) JMS messages sent by the EAI JAVA programs are merged
Problem Description: When the JMS Messages are polled by the EAI JAVA class file, the messages sent by it are either corrupted or merged and this occurred when a load of 1000 cases were started at once.
Issue Resolution: Remove the ?CACHE? option for the EAI JAVA Class in the ?EAI-CALL OUT DEFINITION? of the EAI JAVA Plugin.
11) Procedure in the iProcess Client is locked
Problem Description: Unable to edit the procedure in the iProcess Client since it?s locked by a staffware user.
Issue Resolution:
1) Login to the staffware database with swpro (background database user) and run the following sql statements
(change the PROCNAME to the required Procedure name which is locked)
? delete procedure_lock where proc_id = (select proc_id from proc_index where proc_name = ?PROCNAME?)
? delete pm_objects_lock where object_guid = (select object_guid from pm_objects where object_name like ? PROCNAME?)
12) WorkItems get locked in the iProcess Client
Problem Description:The Work Items are locked in the iProcess Client due to various reasons like
? Improper closure of iProcess Client
? Network connection lost when the Work Item is opened, etc.,
Issue Resolution: Unlock the WorkItem with the following command
The user executing the command should be member /participant and should have MENUNAME of ADMIN.
swutil UNLOCKMAIL queuename reqid:hostname [/t]/t is for a test queue..
The reqid of the work item is found with the help of ?plist ?mv ? which gives a list of all the work items available for the queue and then search for the WorkItem with the help of fields like ?step name? and ?casenum?
13) Deadlines are not working on Saturdays and Sundays
Problem Description:The deadlines are not working as expected.
For example, if a step deadline of 5 min is sent to the work queue on Saturday, then the deadline date would be set for Monday and the step expires only on Monday and not within 5 minutes.
Issue Resolution: The 5th line in staffpms contains the information for the working days. Change them as required as shown in the following way in bold characters:
%2d/%2d/%4d\/\%s%s %s, %s\dmy\wdmy\%2d:%2d\:\ AM\ PM\Week\YYYYYYY
14) Adding mboxsets, queues, Oracle AQ queue, Oracle AQ queue table and their relationships for better handling of volumes
Description: For adding new Oracle AQ queues, mboxsets and assigning them to different processes for optimizing and enhancing the performance as desired.
1. Use SQLPLUS to connect to the Oracle instance.
connect swpro/staffpro1;
2. Create an AQ queue table called bgmboxtable3.
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (queue_table=> ?swpro.bgmboxtable3′,
queue_payload_> ?swpro.swlocalmsg?, comment=> ?3rd background mbox?,
compatible=> 8.1);
3. Create an AQ queue called bgmboxqueue3 in this queue table.
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (queue_name=> ?swpro.bgmboxqueue3′, queue_table=>
?swpro.bgmboxtable3′, retry_delay=> 300, max_retries=> 12);
4. Start the bgmboxqueue3 queue.
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (queue_name => ?swpro.bgmboxqueue3′);
5. Grant the required privileges on the bgmboxqueue3 queue.
EXECUTE dbms_aqadm.grant_queue_privilege (privilege=> ?all?, queue_name=>
?bgmboxqueue3′, grantee=> ?swuser?, grant_option=> false );
6. Commit the changes, disconnect and exit.
7. Use the SWDIR\util\swadm utility to add a new message queue called BGMBOX3, which uses the bgmboxqueue3 queue.
cd $SWDIR/util swadm ADD_QUEUE BGMBOX3 Local 0001::bgmboxtable3:bgmboxqueue3
8. Add the BGMBOX3 queue to the BGMBSET Mbox set.
1 is the number of the BGMBSET Mboxset (from the swadm SHOW_MBOXSETS command) and 8 is the number of the message queue (from the swadm SHOW_QUEUES command).
The various commands used to list the various mboxsets, queues, relationships, process attributes
For listing:
? swadm show_mboxsets v
? swadm show_queues
? swadm show_all_attributes
? swadm show_processes
For adding:
15) Adding CDQP to a queue
Description: To add CDQP so that it can be used for sorting, filtering and displaying based on the user defined Fields.
1) Write a file in the following format
;Add the fields TOWN and AGE as CDQPs.
2) Run the command with either swadmin or with ?MENUNAME? as ADMIN and should be a participant/member of the queue.
$SWDIR/bin/ swutil QINFO $filePath
where $filePath is the path to the above saved file.
3) Export the CDQPs
SWDIR/bin/ swutil QINFO EXPORT [queuename [GLOBAL]]
4) Now the CDQP name is available for sorting, filtering and displaying either from iProcess Client or SPO.
in iProcess Client Click on the ?queue? and select the Queue>Change
Access Criteria and the new CDQP is displayed in the available fields in SPO filter criteria can set before fetching the cases or the workitems
16) Enabling DEBUG level while executing staffware util/etc/bin commands
Problem Description: How to turn on the debug level while executing staffware util/etc/bin commands
Issue Resolution: Run the util/etc/bin commands after setting the DEBUG environment variable as given below.
On Windows:
- In the registry (on the Staffware server) navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Staffware plc\Staffware Server\Nodes\
- Create a new string value in the key called ?DEBUG?
- Once created, double click it, and enter the following for the value data: T=255, f=15, F=-15, q=255, X=255, u=255, U=255, v=255, TIME=ABS
17) The Table and List area on User Administrator are locked
Problem Description: The Table and List area on the User Administrator are locked and unable to open or edit
Issue Resolution: Logout of the User Administrator and the check FLAG_TABLE of the staffware database.
Check the AREA_LOCKED columns. If it contains ?1? value set in any one of the columns then check for the MOVE_REQ flag. If it not ?1? then edit the table to change the AREA_LOCKED to ?0? and ?USER_NAME? field to empty.
Its always better to do the changes in the database only after shutting down the server.
If the MOVE_REQ flag is set to ?1? then some changes have been made to in that area of the User Administration and a ?MoveSysInfo? has been made. So all the data from the corresponding TSYS_ tables should be deleted and then the MOVE_REQ flag should be made to ?0? .In this case, changes should be made with the consultation of TIBCO SUPPORT.
For training on TIBCO IProcess mail us at [email protected]