1) location transparency
2) platform independence
3) reliable and fast
4) comprehensive API
5) point to point delivery and publish/subscribe delivery.
Location transparency
Location transparency means for sending and receiving message on a multicast network you need not to aware of physical location of sender or receiver as long as you know the topic( also called subject in tibco world) , so its pretty simple Sender publish message on multicast topic in a network and all subscriber which have subscribed on that topic receives message without being knowing physical location of publisher.
Sender could be anywhere in the world e..g New york ,Tokyo , London , receiver can be anywhere e.g. London , Hongkong , Tokyo.
Platform independence
its doesn’t depend on platform , Sender can be running on unix box while receiver could be running on windows machine. most of the time GUI runs on windows and Server
runs on Linux and they exchange messages via tibco.
Reliable and Fast
TIbco RV makes best effort (not guaranteed) to deliver message to receiver
and its very fast usually used to send Market data etc but not used for sending Order or execution message because there is always chance of loosing such message.
generally we use certified message to make guaranteed delivery of those message.
Comprehensive API
tibco rv comes with rich API in both C++ and Java language and can be plugged to application easily, API provides methods and classes for different modes of communication e.g. Point to Point , publish/subscribe , certified messaging etc.
Point to Point Deliver
Tibco can be used for point-2-point delivery (some times also called Request/Reply mode), it used “INBOX” topic for doing so , when tvd sees INBOX topic instead of publishing that message into multicast network it makes direct connection to destination host and sends message.
This is achieved using “Subject” or “Topic” , receiver subscribes on multicast network on a particular topic and Sender sends message on those Topic, after that its tibco’s responsibility to deliver those message.
For training on TIBCO mail us at [email protected]