- Set the variable JAVA_HOME
Eg, in my case:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk150_10 - Get the file to be installed:
- Unzip the content in your local drive
- Launch the installer (.exe)
- select Custom installation
- choose the installation folder, eg: C:\tibco
- keep default options for other requests
- Set the variable TIBRV_HOME
Eg, in my case:
set TIBRV_HOME=C:\tibco\tibrv\8.1
RVD: Daemon
Launching the daemon on local host on port 8181 (default port: 7580):
rvd -http 8181
You should see the following trace:
C:\tibco\tibrv\8.1\bin>rvd -http 8181
TIB/Rendezvous daemon
Copyright 1994-2008 by TIBCO Software Inc.
All rights reserved.
Version 8.1.2 V8 9/26/2008
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Command line: rvd -http 8181
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Hostname: MYLOCALMACHINE
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Hostname IP address:
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Detected IP interface: (IP00)
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Detected IP interface: (loopback)
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Unable to find ticket file tibrv.tkt in PATH
2010-01-19 16:37:02 rvd: Http interface - http://myLocalMachine.myDomain:8181
tibrvsend: send a message
To send a message on myLocalMachine:7580:
.\tibrvsend.exe -service 7580 -network MYLOCALMACHINE mySubject myMessage
Expected output:
C:\tibco\tibrv\8.1\bin>.\tibrvsend.exe -service 7580 -network MYLOCALMACHINE mySubject myMessage
Publishing: subject=mySubject "myMessage"
2010-01-19 16:52:11 RV: TIB/Rendezvous Error Not Handled by Process:
{ADV_ ADV_SOURCE="SYSTEM" ADV_NAME="LICENSE.EXPIRE" ADV_DESC="The license will expire" expiretime=2010-01-19 16:02:11Z host=""}
tibrvlisten: listen to messages
To listed to messages published on MYLOCALMACHINE:7580, related to subject mySubject:
tibrvlisten -service 7580 -network MYLOCALMACHINE mySubject
Use case: HelloWorld
For instance, let’s assume that you launch this command from one frame:
C:\tibco\tibrv\8.1\bin>.\tibrvsend.exe -service 7580 -network localhost mySubject HelloWorld Publishing: subject=mySubject "HelloWorld"
Here is what appears in the « listening » frame:
2010-01-19 17:01:32 (2010-01-19 16:01:32.990000000Z): subject=mySubject, message={DATA="HelloWorld"}
Notice you can have many instances listening to the same messages.
Launch the daemon manager
- Launch:
cd %TIBRV_HOME%/RVDM ./RVDM.bat -http 8282 . - You should see following messages, that you can ignore:
2010-01-19 13:01:48 rvdm: RVDM has activated. 2010-01-19 13:02:03 RV: TIB/Rendezvous Error Not Handled by Process: {ADV_ ADV_SOURCE="SYSTEM" ADV_NAME="LICENSE.EXPIRE" ADV_DESC="The license will expire" e xpiretime=2010-01-19 12:11:48Z host=""} - To check the daemon is on, you can open the address http://localhost:8282 on your favorite browser.
Example sources
Example sources are available in folder %TIBRV_HOME%/src/examples/java
TIBRV_HOME\bin folder fosters a couple of binaries:
- rvntscfg.exe: Services Configuration Program
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