Update the field “IsFT” to ‘true’ in configuration.xml to enable Fault Tolerance Update the field “IsFT” to ‘false’ in configuration.xml to enable Load Balancing.
How to enable logging of information for all activities in a project to be deployed in Administrator?
In admin console go to running instance—>select tracing—> configure tracing –> check the “All Activities” checkbox enable—> then save
Note: Administrator must have super user privileges in the UNIX box to perform this action.
How to make the configuration changes available permanently for an application ?
In <Application>.tra do the changes in bwengine.tra file also. Usually for each deployment the <Application>.tra wash out and replace with new one with default values.
To restart a Admin domain we must follow the following shutdown and startup procedure Shut Down ?
- Stop hawk
- Stop all running application in admin console
- Stop Admin
- Stop EMS
- Stop RV
How to extend the validity of the self signed certificate by another 2 years?
Make use of keytool provided by Java to increase validity of self signed certificates Command: “keytool -selfcert -v -alias server -validity 730 -keystore teststore.jks -storepass mypassword”.
How to find list of ports currently used by other applications?
netstat –an
How to handle following error message displayed in Tibco Administrator Error message: “No matching software for service archive Process Archive. The service is disabled”?
Process Archive was deployed in a machine the Business Works runtime engine has not been installed. Make sure Business Works Engine is installed on the machine where PAR file is going to be deployed.
Notes: You can add Tibco Active Matrix Business works machine using “Add to additional machines” option in Tibco Administrator.
Process archive is showing “Need to deploy in a Service Container” error message. Make sure EAR file contains all the required resource during EAR file creation
Maximum no of process that can be loaded into memory can be set using?
By Using Max Jobs at .Par level Advanced Tab in Tibco Admin.
How to modify GV after .ear file is deployed ?
By adding property in the Application.tra file ( But not recommended)
What are the two fault tolerance options supported by Tibco admin.?
Fail Back and Fail over
What is the Global variable used for pointing the certificate location?
Is it advisable to store certificate in more than one GV?
When ever Tibco administrator configuration is corrupted how to get it back.
Need to restore it back to last successful configuration date.
When we make some changes in the global variables of any adapters deployed on a server and trying to redeploy it again faced some issues like On admin GUI at deployed configuration we see Server plugin failed. What needs to be done in such scenarios?
When we try to do the same we can see server plugin failed for whatever the updates we does for the adapter. So here we need to bounce/stop and restart the administrator domain on which we have deployed the adapter and even have to bounce the Hawk agent on that Server.
When we are trying to deploy an EAR file on Administrator sometimes we may face an issue deploying it.
For these kinds of scenarios mostly we will be bouncing the Administrator and Hawk agent. This may/may not work sometimes. In case it doesn’t work we need to remove/delete the temp files created (if windows we can find them in .TIBCO directory in C drive, if it is unix server we can see them in \usr\tmp directory) and restart the administrator.
If i deployed a process with HTTP receiver on 4 machines in FT mode. The client application doesn’t have any idea about on which IP machine the process instance is running. How you will make sure the client application request will go appropriate machine where process instance is running?
IP redirector
If your application is already deployed and running. Application has adapters and BW processes. If any changes are done in adapters and redeployment is required without affecting BW process. How adapter changes can be deployed without affecting BW process.
When changes are done in adapter and need to deploy. Do not check in on Force deployment option. This way only adapter will be redeployed and BW will not be affected.
What is the advantage of scripted deployment in Tibco and how it differs with normal deployment?
Below are the scenario:
1. Whenever the TIBCO Administrator is down we have to deploy application from TRA -> Appmanage.
2. In case we have to deploy various applications using same global parameters, we have to provide
every time these parameters in TIBCO administrator wile deployment. In such case its better to get a
best practice to deploy application from backend using the scripts.
Below are the advantages:
1. If Admin is down we are able to deploy application
2. We use a properties file (XML) which is having all the variables which can be used by various similar
Applications. Hence, similar domain can be created fast.
For training on TIBCO Administrator mail us at [email protected]