Start it with “tibemsd -config tibemsdssl.conf”.
Take a look at the properties.
The EMS Server is using the certificate “server.cert.pem” as its identity, adn it will trust certificates that were signed by
ssl_server_identity = ../certs/server.cert.pem
ssl_server_key = ../certs/server.key.pem
ssl_password = $man$WjtSRCpaXu7hoTkDlcEPr6KNKRr
# Server Issuer certificate(s).# Supports PEM, DER and PKCS#12.# This may be a part of PKCS12 specified by
ssl_server_issuer =
# Trusted issuers of client certificates. Supports PEM, DER and PKCS7.
ssl_server_trusted = ../certs/client_root.cert.pem
So…you can use client_identity.p12 in your BW project as an Identity (there is a README in the certs directory explaining the relationships), and use server_root.cert.pem so you can trust the server.cert.pem by importing it into a Trusted Certificates folder in your BW project.
There are also SSL properties for FT heartbeats:
ft_ssl_identity =
ft_ssl_issuer =
ft_ssl_private_key =
ft_ssl_password =
ft_ssl_trusted =
ft_ssl_verify_host =
ft_ssl_verify_hostname =
ft_ssl_ciphers =
For training on TIBCO EMS mail us at [email protected]