2. Login to admin domain, click on business connect, configure to a database (make sure it should be above 9i, otherwise you will get DB issues)
3. Open Admindomain.tra under administrator/domain/<domainname>/bin/adminspecifictra file, change the encoding values to UTF-8
4. Restart admin domain
5. Login to administrator
6. Click on to System settings, deployment configurations and choose single sever, and build
7. Go to application management, click on configuration , business connect and advanced tab, check the public processes configuration, click the transport( for ex:http) and change the port number if needed, and enable http (based on your transport type) and deploy.
8. Check through browser ( http://hostname:port number, if nothing displays (empty page) then it is working, if not check your service instance)
9. Configuration operation
10. Configure host and participants
11. Configure Business Agreements
12. Define your private processes by opening your designer
13. Define a Process Starter to subscribe to those messages. First install Business Connect
For training on TIBCO BusinessConnect mail us at virtualnuggets@gmail,com