Also in some of the environment, there are multiple Proxies are running, for example XXXXXtibq027 where we have 4 proxies running on different ports. Whatever the case may be either we have single proxy or multiple proxies on particular machine, we should follow the following steps to bounce only one Proxy related to a specific port.
1. First determine the port number where proxy is running. You can get from it the proxy end point url of any service of
a particular application. For example, in QA2 @plan is managed by proxy with port#28981.
2. Then logon to the machine where Proxy is running as per the hint given in the beginning of this note.
3. Execute: netstat -nlp |grep <proxy port#>
The output will be something like below example;
[tibco@XXXXtibq027 ~]$ netstat -nlp |grep 28981
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0 :::28981 :::* LISTEN 22951/startProxyAge
4. The 3rd column is the port number for which we did a grep. and the last column contains the PID/Process Name. Now we have PID for the Proxy agent for the port we are looking for.
5. Then go to /opt/tibco/policyagent/instances/agent-<port#>/bin and execute ./stopProxyAgent. This will stop the proxy agent for the port mentioned in <port#>.
6. Now verify the Proxy is stopped or not by executing the “ps -ef|grep PID”. The PID is the value we got from the step #3. If the proxy is still running then the kill it by “kill -9 PID”.
7. Now start Proxy by executing : ./startProxyAgent &
If you want start by nohup then execute: nohup ./startProxyAgent >& nohup.out
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