Process components enable you to define the process workflow for end users, creating logic inside a process and integrating with other applications and data sources. To understand what occurs inside a process at run time, it is important to understand the components that make up a process at design time.
Building processes in IBM BPMMany different individuals from various organizations are usually involved in developing processes using IBM BPM. The overriding concern is to ensure that you are building the best possible solution for meeting the stated goals of your project. To ensure successful results, team members should work together to capture process requirements and iteratively develop the model and its implementations.
Reusing items in Process DesignerProcess Designer enables process developers to reuse existing items both within and across process applications. For example, if you know several services already exist that include Coaches and other shared items that you and other developers need, you can access and reuse those items by including them in a toolkit. Then, from your process application, you can add a dependency to the toolkit in which the shared items reside. This enables you to pick one of the existing services when choosing the implementation for an activity. The items in the toolkit can also be used by other developers working in different process applications.
Using the Designer in IBM Process DesignerThe Designer interface provides the tools that you need to model your processes in IBM BPM.