Then I can star EMSCA from my Start menu. This is Eclipse, I have to create a new workspace. Then File => New EMS Central Administration Project. Enter host name and port, where is EMSCA Server is installed. Enter username and password to connect, select the deployment to create a project for.
Next step is synchronizing with EMS. TIBCO EMS => Synchronize Configurations With EMS Servers. Enter username and password, select EMS server to synchronize.
Now I can change the server configuration. Then save to SVN repository. TIBCO EMS => Save Configurations to Repository.
Then it is possible to deploy changes to the server. TIBCO EMS => Deploy EMS Project.
So, this was short description of the TIBCO EMS Central Administration, very helpful tool to manage configurations of multiple EMS instances.
For training on TIBCO EMS mail us at [email protected]