The tasks that you perform to complete the installation of IBM IBus version10 are listed in the following simple 10 steps; each task indicates whether it is required or optional. A summary of each task is provided, along with pointers to topics or sections that describe the task in more detail.
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step1 - Required: Make sure that you have acquired the product-packages that you need for installation.
Physical and electronic packages are available for IBM Integration Bus. DVDs are supplied in the physical-package, and electronic-images are available from the IBM-Passport Advantage website.
step2 - Required: Make sure that you have access to the product documentation that you need for installation.
step3 - Required: Determine the platforms on which to install IBM-Integration-Bus. On Windows and Linux, the IBM Integration Bus installation includes IBM Integration Tool-kit.
Note: WebSphere Message Queue is no longer a pre-requisite for using IBM Integration Bus.
steop4 - Optional: If you have installed previous versions of IBM Integration Bus on your computer, you can install the latest version alongside the existing deployment, or you can migrate your existing deployment to the latest version; see Coexistence of IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 with previous versions.
step5 : Required: Prepare each computer on which you are installing IBM Integration Bus.
1.Required: Check that your target computers meet the initial hardware, storage, and software requirements.
2.Required: Understand the security requirements for running IBM-Integration-Bus; Security-requirements.
3.Optional: If you are installing IBM Integration Bus on distributed systems, then configure temporary directory space to enable IBM Integration Bus Java components to operate correctly; Configuring temporary space on distributed-systems.
4.Optional: If you are installing IBM Integration Bus on Linux or UNIX systems, check your kernel configuration; see Checking the kernel configuration on Linux and UNIX systems.
5.Optional: If you are installing IBM Integration Bus on z/OS, then you must complete the following steps:
- Install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
- Check the available disk space on your system; see Checking available disk space on z/OS.
step6 - Required: Install IBM Integration Bus; see Installing IBM Integration Bus software.
step7 - Optional: If required, install one or more language packs for IBM Integration Toolkit; check Installing language packs for the IBM Integration Tool-kit.
step8 - Optional: Set up a command environment so that you can run administrative commands; check Setting up a command environment.
step9 - Optional: If required, change the integration node operation mode to conform to your license; see the topic like Configuring your integration nodes to conform to your license.
step10 - Optional: If required, install any complementary products; see Installing and uninstalling complementary products.