By Using Command Line : Ear2SA.exe <EAR_fileName> <output_Directory>
where, EAR_fileName is the absolute path of the EAR file and
output_Directory is the absolute path of the directory where the service assembly archive created will be placed. If the output_Directory is not specified, the working directory, ENV_HOME\amx\extensions\bw\5.7\bin , is taken as the default output directory.
Example as follows :
Invalid Command.
Correct usage: EAR2SA.exe <EAR PATH> [<SA LOCATION>] [-saversion <X.Y.Z>] [-suversion <X.Y.Z>]
C:\tibco\amx\extensions\bw\5.8\bin>Ear2SA.exe “C:\Documents and Settings\TestUser\Desktop\AMX Examples\Application_Ear.ear”
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Console Output : true Started : false
SA Archive creation started………..
SA Archive created and located at C:\tibco\amx\extensions\bw\5.8\bin\Application
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