2. Login to TIBCO administrator using your credentials.
In TIBCO Administrator, click Application Management.
3. Select the application for which the rulebase has been defined, and expand it.
4. In the Configuration Builder pane, click the service or process name for which the rulebase has been defined. A service is named with a .arr suffix. A process is named with a .par suffix.
5. Click the Monitoring tab.
6. In the Rulebases panel, click Add.
7. Click Browse and in the window that appears, navigate to the directory where the rulebase is stored and select the rulebase. Click OK.
8. Click Save.
When you deploy the service, TIBCO Hawk Agent saves the rulebase file in the <install-path>\tibco\tra\domain\<domain-name>\rulebase folder.
When the conditions specified in the rulebase occur, the results display in the Resource Management > Machines View Machine panel.
For training on TIBCO HAWK mail us at [email protected]