Get the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver from site. Unzip it. Then:
- copy sqljdbc.jar to <tibco_home>\tpcl\5.6\jdbc
- copy \auth\x86\sqljdbc_auth.dll to C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64 (or to C:\WINDOWS\System32 on 32bit system) and to <tibco_home>\tra\5.6\bin

Configure your BW-application to use appropriate driver and connection string:
URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<server_name>;
The process must be started under Windows domain user who has the database rights. To do that just start domain Hawk Agent service under this user (should be in local admins or has appropriate permissions). Then all BW-applications on this particular machine, started by TIBCO Administrator or using appmanage tool, will also run under this user and can connect to MS SQL database using Windows authentication.
If you would like to create TIBCO Domain and use MS SQL Win auth only instance to store the data, you can use the same JDBC driver and URL. All you need is just run TIBCO Administrator and Hawk Agents in the TIBCO domain under Win domain user who has the database rights.
For training on TIBCO BusinessWorks mail us at [email protected]