SAP Real Estate Management Online Training
SAP Real Estate Online Training OverviewThis SAP Real Estate Management Online Training Cover the topics like Real estate master data usage and architecture, Business partner master data, about Contract management, Real Estate Financials, Adjusting conditions and about Service charge settlement. in this SAP Real Estate Management Online Training course participant learn the Overview on corporate use scenario like Occupancy Planning, Reservation, Move Management, Internal CO billing, FASB 13 support) and Integration aspects like CO integration, Enterprise Asset Management integration, Project system integration, PS-CD (FI-CA) integration. and gain the knowledge on different tools like correspondence, BDT, BAdI and BAPI usage, Migration programs for former product version, document management.
What Is SAP Real Estate ?
Improve all aspects of Real Estate Management with solutions from SAP. Our integrated software enables you to streamline and enhance portfolio analysis and investment tracking, lead qualification, lease posting, rent escalation, and maintenance and repair service orders. With greater visibility, you can make better investment decisions, reduce project risks and vacancies, increase lease revenues and decrease expenses, comply with financial reporting standards, and speed rent invoicing. SAP Real Estate Online Training Registration Types:
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Vasundhara reviewed Jun 2013 Quality Excellent Excellent training with many real time examples for each exercise. It is very useful course for me. Mahesh Dadi | Feb 2012 Want to let you know that my Training class is completed today and I am so happy towards teaching . Its very well organized and explain each and every question which I asked without any hesitation. Many Thanks for Training Team Raghuram Chowdary | Dec 2012 Extremely satisfied with the training. Your commitment was very much appreciable. Just got a feel that 6 weeks just passed very fast :-). The way of communication was also excellent so that we did not face any major problems in any of the Sessions . Your training showed your experience and expertise in handling the courses. |