SAP C4C Online Training
SAP C4C Online Training Overviewin this SAP C4C Online Training Course Our Trainer will teach basically about Your Marketing, Sales and Customer Service teams are the front line to the customer. Aspirants Gains the Knowledge of how an Organization need to harness their end-to-end enterprise, along with deep customer insight and personalized engagement in order to stand-out from the competition and deliver a relevant experience at every step of the customer journey. After SAP C4C Training Course Student Acquire the skills about how to Equip a marketing, sales and customer service teams with SAP Cloud for Customer(C4C) to win with today’s empowered customers.
What Is SAP C4C ?
SAP Cloud for Customer is now renamed as SAP Hybris C4C making its presence felt in the CRM market with its inbuilt integration to SAP CRM, ECC and several other Third party applications. SAP Hybris Cloud for customer is much more complete, robust and mature solution than its predecessors. It comes with prepackaged integrations to SAP ERP and SAP CRM, Mobile interfaces, strong social features. The entire product can be seen as a combination of a browser based Silverlight UI, Integrated social features of JAM, Set of rich Mobile apps for iOS & Android, SAP HANA for Integration scenarios. SAP C4C Online Training Registration Types:
Benefits Of SAP C4C Training at VirtualNuggets
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Vasundhara reviewed Jun 2013 Quality Excellent Excellent training with many real time examples for each exercise. It is very useful course for me. Mahesh Dadi | Feb 2012 Want to let you know that my Training class is completed today and I am so happy towards teaching . Its very well organized and explain each and every question which I asked without any hesitation. Many Thanks for Training Team Raghuram Chowdary | Dec 2012 Extremely satisfied with the training. Your commitment was very much appreciable. Just got a feel that 6 weeks just passed very fast :-). The way of communication was also excellent so that we did not face any major problems in any of the Sessions . Your training showed your experience and expertise in handling the courses. |