SAP BSP Online Training
SAP BSP Online Training OverviewIn this SAP BSP Online Training Course Participant will Gain the Knowledge about System architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server, how to Process of an HTTP request/response cycle and after this course student familiar with Components of a BSP application and a BSP, can able to Create BSP applications and BSPs. and our trainer will teach about Status management, MIME objects in BSPs briefly.
This SAP BSP Online Training also Describe the things about Layout design with BSP extensions, Model View Controller - MVC programming model, Adjustment options like Internationalization (OTR) - Design adjustment. Aspirant also Familiar with Additional techniques as how to Connecting back-end systems using RFC - Sending e-mails from BSP applications and Client role of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. What Is SAP BSP ?
A Business Server Page (BSP) application is a complete functional application, like a classic SAP transaction. However, this application is executed in a Web browser rather than in the SAPGUI. HTTP or HTTPS is the protocol used to access the application across the network, thus allowing the use of standard products like firewalls and proxy servers. The Business Server Pages programming model is similar to the server page technology. The focus of the BSP programming model are points that ensure optimum structure in interfaces and business logic. The SAP Web Application Server provides a page-based programming model with server-side scripting as well as server page technology for developing, designing and implementing Web applications: Business Server Pages (BSP). Server-side scripting enables direct access to all elements in the application server. In the Web Application Server, the presentation is separate from the business logic. This makes it possible to implement front-end technology. SAP BSP Online Training Registration Types:
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Vasundhara reviewed Jun 2013 Quality Excellent Excellent training with many real time examples for each exercise. It is very useful course for me. Mahesh Dadi | Feb 2012 Want to let you know that my Training class is completed today and I am so happy towards teaching . Its very well organized and explain each and every question which I asked without any hesitation. Many Thanks for Training Team Raghuram Chowdary | Dec 2012 Extremely satisfied with the training. Your commitment was very much appreciable. Just got a feel that 6 weeks just passed very fast :-). The way of communication was also excellent so that we did not face any major problems in any of the Sessions . Your training showed your experience and expertise in handling the courses. |