Refund & Cancellation policy
General Terms
By selecting a product or service, you agree to pay VirtualNuggets the one-time and/or monthly or annual subscription fees indicated (additional payment terms may be included in other communications). Subscription payments will be charged on a pre-pay basis on the day you sign up for an Upgrade and will cover the use of that service for a monthly or annual subscription period as indicated.
How Refund Policy works :
- At VirtualNuggets, we greatly value the trust of our patrons. Our courses were designed to deliver an effective learning experience, and have helped over half a million find their professional calling.
Money Back Guarantee- In case you are not happy with the training, please let us know definitely before the end of day 1 of the training by sending a request to info@virtualnuggets. Any request after day 1 WILL NOT BE entertained.
- Any training kit provided to you must be returned to claim the money back guarantee.